Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Miss Ms or Mrs

Miss Ms or Mrs

Where is the check box for Dr.?

Is this Murphys Law? I spent my entire grad student teaching career correcting students when they called me Professor, or Dr. Fraud, and now, this week alone, I have heard Miss Fraud, Mrs. Fraud, and Ms. Fraud (interestingly, all from women).

I came up with a plan of action for when this occurs in a phone call. When the student says, "Is this Miss Fraud?" Ill reply, "Yes, this is Dr. Fraud." But how do I deal with the interactions in the classroom, hallway, or my office? Or what if they dont ask is its me on the phone and just launch into "Mrs. Fraud..."

Im convinced this is one of those annoying forms of unconscious gender bias. A male colleague, who intestingly isnt even a Dr. yet, said that hes never been called Mr. Know-It-All. Students always call him Professor or Dr. Know-It-All.

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